“James Emanuel: American Jazz Poet” Brilliant Corners, Summer, 2009 Volumn 13, No. 2 pp 50 - 68
“Working with Jazz; Some Thoughts about Jazz/Poetry” Magazine. Art, NO 5,
Winter- Spring 2001 26-28
"The Jazz Poems of William Matthews" Brilliant Corners Winter 1998 Vol 3,
No. 1 pp 22-37
"In Case You Missed It: Interactions Between Poetry and Music" sponsored by Performance Studies Division, National Communications Association, Hilton Hotel, NYC Nov. 21, 1998 (paper delivered)
"Poetry and Jazz: A Twentieth-Century Wedding," reprinted from Black American Literature Forum. Gale Literary Criticism Series. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Vol. 70, 1997 pp 220-229
"The Jazz Poetry Connection & Jayne Cortez" Paper delivered on July 23, 1994 at the Cultural Arts Center, Columbus, Ohio
"JazzPoetry/jazz-poetry/"jazz poetry"," African American Review, Winter 1993, Vol. 27, No. 4. 665-673.(essay review)
"Poetry and Jazz: A Twentieth-Century Wedding," Black American Literature Forum, Fall 1991. Vol.25, No.3. 595-620.
"A Night in Lagos: The Jazz-Poetry Nexus," Wire (The Jazz and New Music Magazine).
No. 52, June l988. 42-45.
"Performing Poetry," American Book Review. Vol. 7, No. l. Nov. - Dec. l984. 29-30.
"The Poetry-Jazz Connection," Part II, Performing Arts Journal. No. l2, l980. Vol. IV, No. 3. l22-l34.
"Rock Poetry," New York Quarterly. No. l9, l977. 9l-99.
"The Beats," Contemporary Literature. Autumn, l977. Vol. l8, No. 4. 542-55l.
"Poetry in Performance," Commonweal. Aug. 13, 1976. 530-533.